Awen have been chosen to be in the Top 10 Security Companies of 2020 as part of the Blue Tulip Awards
In January 2020 we were chosen to be in the Top 25 Security Companies by the Blue Tulip Awards 2020 organised by Accenture, specifically for our Dot product.
On the 13th February 2020, our CEO (Daniel Lewis) attended the Quarter Finals, a neat event at the Amsterdome. At the event Daniel had to do two 10 minute speed networking rounds, the first round he was grilled by the Managing Director of Accenture Security as the chief jury member. The second round Daniel was grilled by one of the management team handling business risks at the international oil company Shell.
After an inspirational panel discussion by Irene Hofmeijer, Ilham El Khayari and Freerk Bisschop the results were announced!
We are very pleased to tell you that Awen was in the Top 10 Security list!
We, along with the other 9 security-related companies, will battle it out in the semi finals (an interview panel type event) on the 12th March 2020. The Top 5 winners of the semis will then go into the finale in April, where only one company will be crowed Blue Tulip Top Security Company of 2020.
The competition is tough, there are some good companies and good innovations in our category, but we will do what we can to get into the Top 5 and then work our way into being Top 1! Bring - it - on!
In the meantime, we’re investigating all kinds of partnerships and opportunities in the Netherlands - with the organisations involved in the awards, and those not involved in the awards. There are some promising possibilities, and we will certainly let you know when we have major news that we are allowed to shout about.
Until then, if you feel inspired to reach out to us, then please do. Contact us today, we never hard-sell and are always more exploratory on how we might be able to solve problems together.