IoT: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a general term for the/a distributed network of devices typically used for the sensing and analysis of the physical world. IoT devices include smart home appliances such as personal assistants (including Amazon Echo and Google Home), “smart light bulbs,” “smart thermostats” and “smart meters.”

A subset of IoT is Industrial IoT, or IIoT, which is IoT for industrial sectors.

IET: Institution of Engineering and Technology

The Institution of Engineering and Technology, or IET, is a society for people involved in electrical engineering, electronic engineering, computing or general technology. The IET has special interest groups focused on particular subjects, including Cyber Security and Control & Automation communities.

Honeypot / Honeynet

Honeypot (also known as honeynet) is a system developed to attract attackers. Honeypots are useful to find out how a cyber attack on a particular system might occur, without/before exposing a real system.

Organisations deploying honeypots and honeynets should ensure that they are deployed and managed according to regulation and best practice within the countries that they are running.